Microsoft technology nuggets
Short nuggets (notes to self) from my experience working with Microsoft technologies
Tuesday 9th March 2021
Say you’re trying to deploy an app to azure for example this and it fails, check to make sure your base resource name begins with a lower case letter and not an upper case letter.
Monday 15th March 2021
When working on Learning pathways manual setup you may notice that at the point where you have to install the execute the powershell configuration script, here, if you are like me and didn’t find the Custom Learning Configuration ps1 file at first glance, here it is . I found it easier to download when I clicked on RAW then just pressed the ctrl key + S to save.

To execute, I had to run this command I got from this article in my powershell
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
This Stackoverflow thread also explains how to run a .ps1 script but instead of running these 2 commands,
powershell.exe -File C:\Script.ps1 -ExecutionPolicy BypassSet-ExecutionPolicy
I used this
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass

After pressing enter (it may be better to just do this before pressing enter), it may ask you to run the following command,
Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline
You have to run in powershell in an elevated state/run as administrator (before opening power shell, right click and run as administrator).
Accept the questions ( like you have a choice, lol, unless of course you’d prefer to not go ahead with it).
Now, when you press enter, after installing SharePoint PnP Powershell Online, you will be prompted to login.
If you have MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) enabled on your account, this guide can help you : Using MFA enabled accounts in PowerShell scripts — Octavie van Haaften. Use the windows credential option.
Post can also be found on my blog.