HNG internship

Obomighie Sophie
2 min readAug 15, 2021


Good coding posture

I have written about my past experience in HNGi here What it is like to be a part of and HNGi.

The major difference between this year and last year is that has been replaced by ZURI and Ingressive 4 Good is heavily involved Zuri Training .
I am back this year to have fun and to achieve other goals like

  1. Network
  2. Help newbies find their feet
  3. Grow in devops skill.
  4. Learn how to work more efficiently on large scale projects.

In this year’s edition, there is a UI/UX track with Figma as one of their tools of trade (check out this cool Figma tutorial on Freecodecamp What is Figma? A Design Crash Course [2021 Tutorial])

There are also frontend and backend tracks with the option of using any language of your choice. I like Microsoft so here is a C# tutorial by Scott Hanelman himself What is .NET? What’s C# and F#? What’s the .NET Ecosystem? .NET Core Explained, what can .NET build? — YouTube

Github is the Source control tool we’ll be using as it’s the standard The Best Git Tutorials (

Different from other years, there is a social entrepreneurship track and a Digital Marketing track.

See you all on the other side.

🎈 Sophie.

Post can also be found on my blog



Obomighie Sophie
Obomighie Sophie

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